Commercial Building Inspections

Commercial building inspection

Commercial building inspector Commercial building inspections. Now, thats a broad subject with more nuances than you may think. Fortunately, Smart Choice Inspection Company knows the nuances and your pitfalls. There are in simple terms two types of commercial building inspection projects that tend to go inline with small business needs and mid to large cap business goals.

For this purpose there is typically a change in the size and scope of buildings and budgetary needs for companies with revenues of $3mm or less and those of $5,000,000 plus.

When looking to serve the client of a small business or investment need the client is often wearing most of the hats. They are the buyer, investor, doctor, hotelier, operator, hands on manager in whatever product or service they market, in the process of buying or leasing their largest fixed expense. This type of client is typically looking at the physical property with an eye on, does this do what I need it to, whats the actual condition? They don’t know what they don’t know. That’s the scary part – for them.

What questions should they ask when looking for a commercial building inspection? Most small business owners don’t know how a true Commercial Building Inspector can protect them from themselves!

Businesses with revenues over $5,000,000 are more likely to be either staffed with or have access to professionals with expertise in budgeting, forecasting and financial management. These people provide the information to allow management to make informed decisions. Whether management or ownership is buying or leasing, they know that the physical properties apparent fit for purpose is only one part of the equation.

In both cases a commercial building inspection, sometimes referred to as a Property Condition Assessment (PCA), should provide the information as it related to current condition. Wether its on Main Street in rural USA, a hair salon, hotel/motel, church, office, industrial facility or any other small or large building or property – a commercial building inspection should give the client (large or small) all the information they need to know it’s current condition.

But knowing and understanding are two very different positions. Knowing the condition without understanding the financial implications of the commercial property is like driving with a blindfold on. Scary stuff.

Where full service, true commercial building inspectors earn their keep is in helping shape the financial impact of leasing or purchasing commercial property.

No good financial analyst would provide a 5 year or 10 year forecast on building operations without knowing the true estimated cost of maintaining that property. No decision maker wants surprises. Especially when the surprise has the ability to empty the bank account. That’s why Smart Choice Inspection Company is busy providing lenders with the information they need from an inspection.

Commercial property inspectionA commercial building inspector has the ability to provide forecasts that can lay out the capital needs in relation to the commercial property from day 1, creating 5 year or 10 year projections. Projections based on the current condition that allow for predictions on major capital expenditures in order to maintain the building or property. There should be no surprises.

Imagine entering into a triple net lease, whereby the tenant is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of  the building and property, without knowing the expected remaining life of critical building components.Thats a recipe for financial disaster.

When it comes to a commercial building inspection, the inspection itself, and the report are only one major component of an equation that requires two major components; the report and the financial projection….

Ask Smart Choice Inspection Company, a commercial building inspector about its ability to provide forecasting tools. It’s the smart choice, right choice.

As a leading member of the Certified Commercial Property Inspectors Association (CCPIA), we follow a professional Standards of Inspection (ComSOP).